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pakstudy-III Quiz

Your Information:

Question no 1:


Q.1 Who was the First Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Question no 2:


Q.2 Chittori is the historic ancestral graveyard of Talpurs Mirs located in_______?

Question no 3:


Q.3 The Dark green field in the flag of Pakistan represents ______________.

Question no 4:


Q.4 Pakistan got status of Test-Cricket in___________?

Question no 5:


Q.5 How many schedules are there in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?

Question no 6:


Q.6 How many prime ministers of Pakistan have completed a full five-year tenure after winning the general elections?

Question no 7:


Q.7 The book “Indian Musalmans” published in 1871 was written by _____________?

Question no 8:


Q.8 Under which scheme did Muslim league surrender the demand of separate electorate for the Muslims?

Question no 9:


Q.9 In 1917 Kheiri Brothers suggested a plan of partition of India in conference of the Socialist International held in__________?

Question no 10:


Q.10 What is the Name of the highest Lake of Pakistan, which is recently Discovered by Omar Ahsan, head of the Karachi-based mountaineers Survival International?

Question no 11:


Q.11 Dargai pass connects _________?

Question no 12:


Q.12 How many sources of rainfall are in Pakistan?

Question no 13:


Q.13 The Nimoo Bazgo Power Project is a run-of-the-river power project on the _______________River situated at Alchi village, 75 kilometres (47 mi) from Leh in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Question no 14:


Q.14 Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Mujaddid Alif Sani) was born on__________?

Question no 15:


Q.15 Swadeshi movement was launched to reverse the _____________?

Question no 16:


Q.16 Which Person remained Chairman Wapda, chairman Sindh, Governor, SBP, and President of Pakistan?

Question no 17:


Q.17 National Assembly approved the Constitution of 1973 on__________?

Question no 18:


Q.18 The first general elections in pakistan were held under President ___________?

Question no 19:


Q.19 Which Political Party was in Power in North West Frontier Province (Now KPK) at the time of Independence?

Question no 20:


Q.20 Which party got majority of votes in the 2013 general elections?

Question no 21:


Q.21 The Noor Mahal is located in___________?

Question no 22:


Q.22 Sindh sagar Doab lies b/w which two rivers?

Question no 23:


Q.23 If PM of Pakistan wants a bill to be passed.It is necessary to get bill approved from ______?

Question no 24:


Q.24 In ____________ A.D , Subuktigin , a Turkish slave became the master of Ghazni.

Question no 25:


Q.25 The first general elections in Pakistan were held on ______________?

Question no 26:


Q.26 Who initiated the cult of Shivaji against the Muslims of India________?

Question no 27:


Q.27 When Pakistan’s Capital shifted from Karachi to Islamabad ?

Question no 28:


Q.28 Chaj Doab lies b/w which two rivers?

Question no 29:


Q.29 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan set himself to the task of protecting which language?

Question no 30:


Q.30 In 1867, some prominent Hindus of Banares Launched a movement for the replacement of Urdu written in Nasta’leeq by Hindi written in Deva Nagiri script as the Court language. In which province(s) was this movement started________?

Question no 31:


Q.31 Who called the”spiritual guide”as shopkeepers____________?

Question no 32:


Q.32 Which of the following is Higher Rank in Pakistan Air Force?

Question no 33:


Q.33 Why Syed Amir Ali resigned from the Muslim league in 1913 __________?

Question no 34:


Q.34 K2 is in which mountain range?

Question no 35:


Q.35 When King Edward Medical University (oldest university of Pakistan) was established?

Question no 36:


Q.36 In which of the following years, the Battle of Buxar was fought ____________?

Question no 37:


Q.37 The second party which got majority of votes in the 2013 general elections was_______?

Question no 38:


Q.38 The Nation’s Motto of Pakistan is?

Question no 39:


Q.39 Seven Queens of Sindh are mentioned in___________?

Question no 40:


Q.40 Islamabad is located at foothill of?

Question no 41:


Q.41 In which city of Sindh the famous Hathi Dar is located?

Question no 42:


Q.42 which of following places is the rainiest of Pakistan?

Question no 43:


Q.43 The first nuclear power plant in Pakistan was established at___________?

Question no 44:


Q.44 Former president Pervaiz Musharraf resigned in _______?

Question no 45:


Q.45 What is the National Sweet of Pakistan?

Question no 46:


Q.46 Member of National Assembly is called ________?

Question no 47:


Q.47 Pakistan is _________ largest sugar producer and eighth largest consumer in the world?

Question no 48:


Q.48 After independence of Pakistan in 1947, because of its proximity with the Indian border, Which City became the first to welcome refugees to Pakistan?

Question no 49:


Q.49 Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the British in India _____?

Question no 50:


Q.50 What is the name of the father of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

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