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Biology Quiz

Your Information:

Question no 1:


Q.1 It has been estimated that in a normal person plasma constitutes about ________ by volume of blood.

Question no 2:


Q.2 Oil body is found in the cells of___________?

Question no 3:


Q.3 Functional units of lungs are called________?

Question no 4:


Q.4 In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to__________?

Question no 5:


Q.5 They are considered to be the most primitive and are surely the first of the vertebrates?

Question no 6:


Q.6 A virion is______________?

Question no 7:


Q.7 Which part of the nervous system controls the activities of internal organs________?

Question no 8:


Q.8 Sub- phylum vertebrate is also known as__________?

Question no 9:


Q.9 The study of fossils is called?

Question no 10:


Q.10 QRS complex represents____________?

Question no 11:


Q.11 Active transport is dependent on____________?

Question no 12:


Q.12 __________is a condition in which there is an absence of oxygen supply to an organ’s tissues?

Question no 13:


Q.13 Which of the following is largest part of brain?

Question no 14:


Q.14 Cell use _______ to make proteins?

Question no 15:


Q.15 Ribosomes are assembled in__________?

Question no 16:


Q.16 The type of learning in which there is loss or decrease in response to repeated stimuli?

Question no 17:


Q.17 The one which is not a globular protein__________?

Question no 18:


Q.18 A-biogenesis means that_____________?

Question no 19:


Q.19 Lichen is a symbiotic mutualistic association of fungi with______________?

Question no 20:


Q.20 A disease of longs in which inside of the lungs is damaged resulting in cough and fever?

Question no 21:


Q.21 The phylum chrordata comprise about how many species?

Question no 22:


Q.22 Kangaroo rat most probably would be found in___________?

Question no 23:


Q.23 Number of spiracles present in the thorax of cockroach is___________?

Question no 24:


Q.24 Which statement is incorrect for pasteurization?

Question no 25:


Q.25 Cyanobacteria reproduce by____________?

Question no 26:


Q.26 Group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time is called________?

Question no 27:


Q.27 Grave’s disease is produced due to____________?

Question no 28:


Q.28 Which of the followings is missing from the nervous system of planaria_____________?

Question no 29:


Q.29 The form of carbohydrate which is synthesised in a plants is_________?

Question no 30:


Q.30 Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area form

Question no 31:


Q.31 Roots of a plant show______________?

Question no 32:


Q.32 In sponges fertilization takes place in____________?

Question no 33:


Q.33 Maize is an example of_________________?

Question no 34:


Q.34 All plants do not possess___________?

Question no 35:


Q.35 Higher vascular plants are also called__________?

Question no 36:


Q.36 Joints between flat bones of skull are termed as ____________ ?

Question no 37:


Q.37 The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by________?

Question no 38:


Q.38 Vacuoles are fluid filled sacs surrounded by a membrane called__________?

Question no 39:


Q.39 How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced by complete oxidation of one mole of puruvic acid?

Question no 40:


Q.40 Specialized protective coverings around megasporangium which vary in number are called_________________?

Question no 41:


Q.41 Who developed the vaccine against anthrax?

Question no 42:


Q.42 According to Lamarch evolution occurred as the result of__________?

Question no 43:


Q.43 Locomotory structures are not found in which of the following group?

Question no 44:


Q.44 In life cycle of Pinus megaspores produced by megasporangium divide into 4 megaspores by__________________?

Question no 45:


Q.45 Nitrogen is present in___________?

Question no 46:


Q.46 Cellular organelles related with H2O2 are___________?

Question no 47:


Q.47 The one which is incorrect pair?

Question no 48:


Q.48 Amphoixus is a__________?

Question no 49:


Q.49 MSH is produced from___________?

Question no 50:


Q.50 Splitting of glucose relates to_________?

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