Number of MCQs: 50 20 50 100 150 200
Q.1 Vienna is the capital of _________?
Q.2 Cinnamon air is the airline of which country?
Q.3 KLM is an airline of __________?
Q.4 When Libya gained Independence from France and Italy?
Q.5 What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel?
Q.6 Transworld Airline (TWA) was the airline of________?
Q.7 Aeroflot is the airline of___________?
Q.8 Libya celebrates its Independence & National Day on _________?
Q.9 The European Union’s working capital is in _________.
Q.10 Height of k2 in feet is ___________?
Q.11 The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in __________.
Q.12 Which mountain range is located between Caspian Sea and Black Sea?
Q.13 Which company gifted the world a product called “Scooter”?
Q.14 ESPN is one of the biggest satellite TV networks.It stands for?
Q.15 What is the Capital city of Jamaica?
Q.16 3 May is observed Internationally as _________.
Q.17 Buraq Air is an airline of___________?
Q.18 The famous novel “Frankenstein” was written by: ___________?
Q.19 Capital of China is_________?
Q.20 The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.
Q.21 The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in __________?
Q.22 Ariana is airlines of which country?
Q.23 Kish Air is the airline of which country?
Q.24 Qantas is an airline of __________.
Q.25 Ryanair airline belongs to which Country?
Q.26 Which country is called the “Land of Golden Fibre”?
Q.27 Who Was Lawrence Of Arabia?
Q.28 The deepest part of the Earth is __________ .
Q.29 AFP is the news agency of _________.
Q.30 Muslim Brotherhood is a party who won 82 seats in September 2005 elections. it is party of?
Q.31 Emirates is an airline of __________?
Q.32 Garuda is the airline of Indonesia. What is Garuda?
Q.33 Montreal massacre took place in _________?
Q.34 Easyjet airline belongs to which Country?
Q.35 Shaheen Air Line is the airline of ______?
Q.36 The lowest part of the Earth is __________.
Q.37 The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________.
Q.38 The Great Australian Bight is part of what larger body of water?
Q.39 The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _________.
Q.40 Airbaltic is an Airline of which country?
Q.41 There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council.
Q.42 The headquarter of Transparency International is in _________.
Q.43 Freedom Air is an airline of____________?
Q.44 Great sphinx exist in ___________?
Q.45 The famous food chain brands “KFC” stands for?
Q.46 JAT Airways is the international Airlines of which country?
Q.47 Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately __________ islands.
Q.48 Which country is called “Land of thousand islands”?
Q.49 Adam’s Peak is located in _________?
Q.50 The largest ocean of the world is __________?
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