Number of MCQs: 50 20 50 100 150 200
Q.1 Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles.
Q.2 The first Ummayed Caliph was _________ ?
Q.3 The Funeral prayer Namaz-e-Janaza is____________?
Q.4 Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers” in Surah _________ .
Q.5 How many times order for Zakat came in Quran?
Q.6 Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after ________ years.
Q.7 Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum ?
Q.8 Hazrat __________ established Department of Police.
Q.9 The part of prayer the Holy Prophet ï·º did is called_____________?
Q.10 Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were ?
Q.11 After first Wahi, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came home, then his wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took him with her to which cousin who was the scholar in inspiration books?
Q.12 Mosque of ________ was demolished by prophet?
Q.13 Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day?
Q.14 The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Azeem is recited in?
Q.15 Falqaram (Nisab) for Camel is____________ Camels?
Q.16 After _________ day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.
Q.17 Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jumaa for first time in _________ Hijrah ?
Q.18 Only sahabi without seeing Prophet is ?
Q.19 Hazrat ____________ was the first who learnt to write.
Q.20 On which place, first Wahi was decended?
Q.21 Nation of hood destroyed by ______________?
Q.22 Hurrirah means a ?
Q.23 After _________ years of the birth of Prophet, Abdul Muttalib died ?
Q.24 What is verbal meaning of divine revelation (Wahi)?
Q.25 In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called __________ ?
Q.26 Who performed first Hajj Bait-Ullah?
Q.27 From Which Word ‘Aqeeda’ is Derived?
Q.28 Hazrat ____________ is known as the first Dervish.
Q.29 Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat __________ is situated in Jerusalem.
Q.30 Qasim was born in ___________ years before Prophethood.
Q.31 Tell the Name of the Suhabi who took first advantage of calligraphy of Wahi?
Q.32 How many Hajj were performed by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)?
Q.33 ____________ was called month of migration ?
Q.34 What is meant by Tawaaf?
Q.35 Hazrat _____________ was famous for his patience.
Q.36 To perform Salat-e-Istakhara is__________?
Q.37 Hazrat ____________ conquered the fort of Qamus.
Q.38 Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in surah Al-Imran ?
Q.39 At age of ___________ holy Prophet received first Wahi.
Q.40 For 18 years Hazrat _____________ suffered from skin disease.
Q.41 Hazrat ____________ was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran.
Q.42 Fajar, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and _________are compulsory salats?
Q.43 who added 2nd Azan for friday prayers ?
Q.44 To which Prophet Muslim Ummah Belongs?
Q.45 Hazrat __________ died first among the Sahabah.
Q.46 Muslim must face in the direction of__________for Namaz?
Q.47 Surah _________ is known as beauty of Quran.
Q.48 The flag color of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) was white and __________ at the time of conquest of Makkah ?
Q.49 On which date throwing of stones is performed on Jumeraat?
Q.50 On which of the follwing Zakat money can be spent?
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