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Islamic-I Quiz

Your Information:

Question no 1:


Q.1 Second migration to Habshah took place in__________ ?

Question no 2:


Q.2 Which angel came to Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) with Wahi?

Question no 3:


Q.3 _______ Muslims fought in the battle of Ghazwa-e-Badr ?

Question no 4:


Q.4 The pre-requisite to be a Muslim is?

Question no 5:


Q.5 Basic Pillars of belief are________.

Question no 6:


Q.6 On silver falqaram is____________?

Question no 7:


Q.7 The name “Muhammad” has been mentioned _________ times in the Holy Quran.

Question no 8:


Q.8 _________ Ghazawahs are described in Holy Quran.

Question no 9:


Q.9 How much camels were sacrificed on the occasion of Hajj by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)?

Question no 10:


Q.10 Duration of Madni Period is____________?

Question no 11:


Q.11 Hazrat ____________ conquered the fort of Qamus.

Question no 12:


Q.12 Ghani was the title of Hazrat _________ (RA).

Question no 13:


Q.13 Hazrat __________ proposed Azan for the first time ?

Question no 14:


Q.14 Nation of Noah A.S worshiped _________ idols.

Question no 15:


Q.15 After __________ years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Amina died ?

Question no 16:


Q.16 Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was ?

Question no 17:


Q.17 The first Ummayed Caliph was _________ ?

Question no 18:


Q.18 What is meant by Tawaaf?

Question no 19:


Q.19 Verbal meaning of Hajj is____________?

Question no 20:


Q.20 Hurrirah means a ?

Question no 21:


Q.21 Tell the number of Farz duties to be performed during Hajj?

Question no 22:


Q.22 Five prayers were declared compulsory in?

Question no 23:


Q.23 Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred in ____________?

Question no 24:


Q.24 Laws about Zina revealed in __________ A.H.

Question no 25:


Q.25 Muzdalfa is situated_____________?

Question no 26:


Q.26 Muslim must face in the direction of__________for Namaz?

Question no 27:


Q.27 Fajar, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and _________are compulsory salats?

Question no 28:


Q.28 Lady named ___________ tried to poison the Holy Prophet ?

Question no 29:


Q.29 To stay at Arafat is__________?

Question no 30:


Q.30 What is the Ratio of Zakat in grams on Silver approximately?

Question no 31:


Q.31 Hazrat ______________ accepted Islam first in Men.

Question no 32:


Q.32 According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas the last Wahi was decended on Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), how many days before death?

Question no 33:


Q.33 After _________ day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.

Question no 34:


Q.34 The Maghrib Prayer is offered?

Question no 35:


Q.35 Hazrat __________ died first among the Sahabah.

Question no 36:


Q.36 Surah ___________ is known as Heart of Quran.

Question no 37:


Q.37 Who performed first Hajj Bait-Ullah?

Question no 38:


Q.38 Hazrat _____________ was famous for his patience.

Question no 39:


Q.39 Jehad was allowed in ______________ Hijrah ?

Question no 40:


Q.40 What is verbal meaning of divine revelation (Wahi)?

Question no 41:


Q.41 Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day?

Question no 42:


Q.42 Qasim was born in ___________ years before Prophethood.

Question no 43:


Q.43 Prophet was born in ___________ Year of Elephant.

Question no 44:


Q.44 Paradise is mentioned in Quran for_______ times.

Question no 45:


Q.45 At the place of Muzdalfa on 9th Zulhajj, Which two prayer are performed together?

Question no 46:


Q.46 Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice ?

Question no 47:


Q.47 How many times command of erection of Namaz is given in the Quran?

Question no 48:


Q.48 in Islam Legislation refers to___________?

Question no 49:


Q.49 Opposite of Tauheed is__________?

Question no 50:


Q.50 Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in ____________ Nabvi.

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