Number of MCQs: 50 20 50 100 150 200
Q.1 In which Islamic month Farz prayer is equal to 70 Farz prayer?
Q.2 The third Ashra of Ramazan is called ?
Q.3 How many years Aisha(RA) remained alive after the death of Muhammad (SAW) ?
Q.4 Fasting was made obligatory in ______.
Q.5 When was the Qibla changed?
Q.6 Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of the Holy Qurâan?
Q.7 ___________ is the title of Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir?
Q.8 Who was the eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?
Q.9 Who was the first person from Madina to accept Islam?
Q.10 How many vowels does Arabic Language have?
Q.11 The story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned in Surah ____________.
Q.12 Who destroyed idol “Manat”?
Q.13 In whch surah are the 27 Attributes of God mentioned?
Q.14 The Mosque of Prophet (PBUH) was damaged due to fire in the reign of__________?
Q.15 Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as?
Q.16 Hazrat Abdullah was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ____________.
Q.17 How many times does the name of Muhammad (SAW) come in the Quran?
Q.18 The first Ashra of Ramazan is called ______.
Q.19 The kaffarah for breaking fast is to keep ______ fast for continuous days.
Q.20 Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________?
Q.21 Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah was the conqueror of______________?
Q.22 Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A?
Q.23 Bibi Balqees was the Ruler of__________?
Q.24 Eleventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______.
Q.25 How many years did Hazrat Muhammad (saw) preach Islam during his life time?
Q.26 The Wahi was sent in the month of ______.
Q.27 _________is standing straight during Rukus?
Q.28 Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time?
Q.29 Vowel marks were introduced into Arabic script by________?
Q.30 When Khalid bin Waleed was removed from the service in the rein of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)?
Q.31 Hazrat Hud (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times.
Q.32 What is name of 28th Para of Holy Qur’an?
Q.33 The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ?
Q.34 The portion of the wall of Ka’ba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called__________?
Q.35 In which Surah Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (SAW) mentioned?
Q.36 How many fasts Hazrat Isa (AS) Kept in desert and advised his followers to follow it?
Q.37 The Holy Qur’an was revealed from?
Q.38 In which Surah the creation of human beings mentioned?
Q.39 When Halaku khan sacked Baghdad?
Q.40 Where is the grave of Hazrat Loot (A.S)?
Q.41 Batha Valley is situated in________?
Q.42 Name the Prophet who was the first man to write?
Q.43 Hazrat Usman khilafat period was _______?
Q.44 Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by______________?
Q.45 In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was called________?
Q.46 Hazrat Khadija (RA) was _______ years older than Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).
Q.47 What is name of 25th Para of Holy Qur’an?
Q.48 What is name of 19th Para of Holy Qur’an?
Q.49 Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah sons of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) are burried in _______________.
Q.50 The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.
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