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GK-I Quiz

Your Information:

Question no 1:


Q.1 Pakistan’s National Flag was prepared by__________?

Question no 2:


Q.2 ESPN is one of the biggest satellite TV networks.It stands for?

Question no 3:


Q.3 The headquarter of Transparency International is in _________.

Question no 4:


Q.4 The headquarter of NATO is located in _________.

Question no 5:


Q.5 Besides Luxury cars,Rolls Royce is also known for?

Question no 6:


Q.6 Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union?

Question no 7:


Q.7 The currency of Israel is _________.

Question no 8:


Q.8 “Homer” was the greatest poet of the language namely:

Question no 9:


Q.9 SANA is the news agency of _________.

Question no 10:


Q.10 “Barcelona” is the famous city of________?

Question no 11:


Q.11 Garuda is the airline of which country?

Question no 12:


Q.12 Which from the following countries does NOT yield veto-power?

Question no 13:


Q.13 The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of “Peace” was awarded to?

Question no 14:


Q.14 JAT Airways is the international Airlines of which country?

Question no 15:


Q.15 Delta is the Airline of___________?

Question no 16:


Q.16 Which airlines is the largest and National airline of Israel?

Question no 17:


Q.17 Lufthansa airline belongs to ________ ?

Question no 18:


Q.18 Stonehenge is among the seven wonders of the world, situated in which country:

Question no 19:


Q.19 Suez Canal is between __________?

Question no 20:


Q.20 Aer Lingus is the national airline of which country ?

Question no 21:


Q.21 The Nobel Prize has been awarded in __________ fields.

Question no 22:


Q.22 The motto of UNO is _________?

Question no 23:


Q.23 Ryanair airline belongs to which Country?

Question no 24:


Q.24 Helitours is the airline of which country?

Question no 25:


Q.25 The Great Australian Bight is part of what larger body of water?

Question no 26:


Q.26 The deepest part of the Earth is __________ .

Question no 27:


Q.27 The famous novel “Frankenstein” was written by: ___________?

Question no 28:


Q.28 Mahan Airline belongs to which country______________?

Question no 29:


Q.29 KLM is an airline of __________?

Question no 30:


Q.30 Blue Mosque is also called __________?

Question no 31:


Q.31 Aeroflot is the airline of___________?

Question no 32:


Q.32 The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _________.

Question no 33:


Q.33 The capital of Czech Republic is?

Question no 34:


Q.34 The European Union’s working capital is in _________.

Question no 35:


Q.35 World Trade Organization was established in __________?

Question no 36:


Q.36 Libya celebrates its Independence & National Day on _________?

Question no 37:


Q.37 Freedom Air is an airline of____________?

Question no 38:


Q.38 Cinnamon air is the airline of which country?

Question no 39:


Q.39 BIMAN is an airline of__________?

Question no 40:


Q.40 Asiana Airlines is an airline of _________?

Question no 41:


Q.41 Thai Airways International is the airline of_________?

Question no 42:


Q.42 Mention the unique airlines whose international planes fitted with anti-missile equipment?

Question no 43:


Q.43 Which is the national bird of Pakistan ?

Question no 44:


Q.44 How may provinces are in “Iran”_________?

Question no 45:


Q.45 Which company gifted the world a product called “Scooter”?

Question no 46:


Q.46 What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel?

Question no 47:


Q.47 Mir Sadiq held the post of a minister in the cabinet of ________?

Question no 48:


Q.48 SIA is the airline of which country__________?

Question no 49:


Q.49 Airbaltic is an Airline of which country?

Question no 50:


Q.50 Capital of China is_________?

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