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EverydaySc-I Quiz

Your Information:

Question no 1:


Q.1 In general, wind speed of 10 –13 kph caused_______?

Question no 2:


Q.2 Dolly is the name of the ?

Question no 3:


Q.3 Oasis is associated with___________?

Question no 4:


Q.4 Water covers __________ of the Earth’s surface?

Question no 5:


Q.5 Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is

Question no 6:


Q.6 In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the ?

Question no 7:


Q.7 Which of the following atmospheric layers help in radio communication?

Question no 8:


Q.8 When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.

Question no 9:


Q.9 Diamond is an allotropic form of_______?

Question no 10:


Q.10 Parsec is a unit of ___________?

Question no 11:


Q.11 The SI unit of Heat is________?

Question no 12:


Q.12 A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?

Question no 13:


Q.13 Cobalt is a material which is ?

Question no 14:


Q.14 Ozone layer prevents ______________ radiation from entering the atmosphere?

Question no 15:


Q.15 Sedimentary rocks are__________?

Question no 16:


Q.16 The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.

Question no 17:


Q.17 Malaria is a disease which effects the____________?

Question no 18:


Q.18 Clocks, which moves with the velocities comparable with the velocity of light, run ?

Question no 19:


Q.19 Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is ?

Question no 20:


Q.20 Sensitive layer of the eye is?

Question no 21:


Q.21 The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is__________?

Question no 22:


Q.22 The energy value of food is measured in_______?

Question no 23:


Q.23 Digestion of food is completed in the __________?

Question no 24:


Q.24 Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth?

Question no 25:


Q.25 The nearest planet to the Earth is _________?

Question no 26:


Q.26 The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate?

Question no 27:


Q.27 Television signals are converted into light signals by___________?

Question no 28:


Q.28 For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential?

Question no 29:


Q.29 Urine is produced in __________?

Question no 30:


Q.30 Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements ?

Question no 31:


Q.31 The main function of the kidney is ____________?

Question no 32:


Q.32 Chemical name of vinegar is _____________?

Question no 33:


Q.33 Founder of modern astronomy was _________________?

Question no 34:


Q.34 The natural fats and oils are composed of_________?

Question no 35:


Q.35 The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is

Question no 36:


Q.36 The beautiful color patterns exhibited by a peacock in its tail feathers are due to ?

Question no 37:


Q.37 The good sources of Vitamin-A are?

Question no 38:


Q.38 Trachoma is a disease of the___________?

Question no 39:


Q.39 Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.

Question no 40:


Q.40 What is Dry Ice?

Question no 41:


Q.41 The good sources of iodine are_______?

Question no 42:


Q.42 Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________?

Question no 43:


Q.43 The temperature of the dead body is_______________?

Question no 44:


Q.44 Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine ?

Question no 45:


Q.45 Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?

Question no 46:


Q.46 Rectified spirit contains alcohol about ?

Question no 47:


Q.47 Which part of the Camera is analogue to the retina in the human eye?

Question no 48:


Q.48 Meteorology is the study of?

Question no 49:


Q.49 The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.

Question no 50:


Q.50 Red blood corpuscles are formed in the____________?

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